The Mintakans are very high vibration Star Beings who happen to be Yvonne's Soul Family. Since Yvonne lived many lives as a Mintakan, she easily communicates with them telepathically. In working with this group over the years, Yvonne has discovered how quickly and clearly they respond as well as discovering their healing abilities.
During your personal session, Yvonne will channel The Mintakans for the guidance you are asking for.
Sessions will be 45 minutes long. Online, via Zoom.
Payment is to be made ahead of session through any of these payment methods:*
Zelle to Yvonne Bethe (yvonnebethe@gmail.com)
Venmo @Yvonne-Bethe
PayPal - Send payment to yvonnebethe@gmail.com (using friends & family mode)
* If you have any questions about payment, please feel free to contact me through either contact method below. I am looking forward to connecting with you at the time of your reading.
Brightest Blessings,
Contact Details
Call or Text 925-548-6103